Sunday, 13 April 2008

Atmosphere is go and Primadonna finds it's legs

Looks like we're on for sponsoring Atmosphere08. Details should be confirmed over the next few days, but I'm hoping to be at the event in an official capacity for JN. I'll be getting some additional demo kit for the event, but if there's anything you particularly want to try then you can get hold of me via Kiteboarder, Kiteforum or Flexiforums, or I'll be posting something on the Atmosphere forum once we're officially on board.

Got out again on Sunday. Was more of a lightwind cruising session though and I thought I'd be way underpowered on the 13m. However, for the second time in as many weeks it's surprised me with it's low end.
Not sure if the kite has 'bedded in', the colder (and more dense) UK wind is making it work, or my light wind technique has improved.. but either way I was able to keep upwind of the general rabble who were often armed with much bigger kites.

Was good to fly the WT2 and Primadonna back-to-back. I think that if you're coming from older kit, the WT2 will feel the more instinctive kite. The Primadonna requires a period of adjustment to get the best from it. However if your into freeride, wave riding or wakestyle mentalism it is worth it.
Where I think the WT2 may work well is on a landboard. It requires less edge to boost high, and works well at lower winds - the PD2 can go huge, but goes better on the land when well lit and using the ample depower.

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